Nature commentary highlights the work of Jun Ding
Nature commentary highlights scSemiProfiler, UNAGI, and CellAgentChat, new computational tools developed by Jun Ding
According to the WHO, respiratory disorders are leading causes of death world-wide (second only to heart attack & stroke). These include diseases such as obstructive lung diseases and pulmonary infections. As a result, our research is focused around four main pulmonary research themes. These include: chronic airways disease, lung injury and infection, neuromuscular dysfunction in respiratory diseases, and sleep-disordered breathing.
Above all, a multidisciplinary approach is used to study the basic mechanisms of a number of diseases. These include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary infections, cystic fibrosis, sleep apnea, respiratory muscle disorders, pulmonary fibrosis, lung injury, and rare respiratory diseases. Research at the Meakins also involves the study of human physiology and tissues in parallel with relevant animal and cell culture models. Furthermore, research is facilitated by the availability of a variety of core facilities for both clinical and fundamental studies.
Learn more about our research themes here.
Below you will see posts and news items related to our research themes.
Nature commentary highlights scSemiProfiler, UNAGI, and CellAgentChat, new computational tools developed by Jun Ding
The Meakins-Christie Laboratories and the RESP Program came in first place in the 2024 International Freezer Challenge.
Kevin Schwartzman received the McGill University Department of Medicine Mentor of the Year Award for 2024. Congrats!
The Smart Hospital Project is improving care for newborns in NICUs with innovative wireless technology.
Two new studies by Carolyn Baglole examine how vaping during adolescence affects the lungs and heart.
The Meakins-Christie Laboratories was the first research group at the RI-MUHC to pilot a new recycling and sustainability project- led by Severine Audusseau
Dr. Jun Ding’s team has developed a groundbreaking tool, scSemiProfiler, to make single-cell sequencing more affordable and accessible.
Dr. Christine McCusker was part of the research team that discovered introducing peanuts into a child’s diet before the age of three is an effective strategy to reduce the risk of peanut allergy.
New CIHR Clinical Trial Grant awarded to Dick Menzies: An adaptive trial to identify the safest regimen with the shortest duration for TB prevention
Read about Darcy Wagner and the origins of her career devoted to lung regeneration.