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Trainee Funding

Meakins & RECRU Studentship and Fellowship Competitions

Competitive Summer Studentships, Graduate (MSc/PhD) Studentships, Postdoctoral Fellowships and Travel Awards are offered to current and prospective trainees. The RI-MUHC also launches an annual studentship and fellowship competition. Please check back frequently for new opportunities and updates.

Margaret R. Becklake Fellowship in Respiratory Research: OPEN

We invite applications for the Margaret R. Becklake Fellowship in Respiratory Research, at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre. This fellowship has been created by the Montreal Chest Institute Foundation, to recognize the late Dr. Margaret Becklake, a pioneering clinician-researcher in respiratory physiology and epidemiology. In keeping with Dr. Becklake’s values and philosophy, it is intended to support the training of future research leaders in respiratory health in low- and middle-income countries, and future research leaders from Canadian Indigenous communities.

Deadline: April 1, 2025

Download Application form:

Collaborative Research Award Competition: CLOSED

The Meakins-Christie Laboratories will consider the provision of graduate studentship (MSc or PhD) or postdoctoral fellowship (PDF ) support to meritorious candidates who are working on collaborative research projects involving at least two principal investigators. One investigator must have an appointment at the Meakins-Christie Laboratories, while the second investigator must have an appointment at the Meakins-Christie Laboratories, at the Respiratory Epidemiology and Clinical Research Unit (RECRU), or at the RI-MUHC RESP Program. Both supervisors must be recognized researchers within the Translational Research in Respiratory Diseases (RESP) Program.

Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of the proposed research project including its relevance to the primary themes of the RI-MUHC Respiratory program, the collaborative aspect of the project, academic performance and awards, publications and presentations, letters of recommendation, areas of research interest and career goals, as well as research experience. New this year, priority will be given to projects that address “Precision health across the lifespan” related to respiratory diseases.

Application deadline: To be announced

Summer Studentship Competition: CLOSED

The summer studentship is meant to support primarily undergraduate students to perform short summer research projects under the supervision of Meakins or RECRU faculty. The award pays for part of a summer student’s stipend. The value of the award is up to 1,500$ per month for a maximum of 2 months. Value of award may change due to availability of funds. The remainder of the stipend is expected to be covered by the supervisor. Only one trainee, per supervisor, per competition can be awarded. Between 3-4 awards are expected to be awarded in 2022. The aim of the award is to attract bright students to complete summer research projects and to hopefully encourage them to pursue graduate studies. Reviewers assess academic performance, the research proposal, and the letter of recommendation.

Deadline: To be announced

Travel Awards: CLOSED

Graduate students (MSc or PhD) and postdoctoral fellows at the Meakins-Christie Laboratories are eligible to apply. Travel award applications can be submitted anytime throughout the year at least 3 weeks before the expected meeting date. Please submit completed applications to Maria Makroyanni at EM3.2219. In order to receive a travel award, a trainee must be 1st author/presenting author. For travel awards to attend the annual American Thoracic Society (ATS) conference, there is no limit to the number of awards one lab may apply for. For all other scientific conferences, there will be a maximum of 1 travel award per laboratory per year.