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Winner of two CIHR-IMHA Inclusive Research Excellence Prizes

Congratulations to Dr. Tania Janaudis-Ferreira for the following prizes:

Winner of two CIHR-IMHA Inclusive Research Excellence Prizes (awarded for projects that have been completed)

The objective of this prize is to recognize exemplary research projects that exemplify the CIHR Strategic Plan 2021-31 priority: “Champion a more inclusive concept of research excellence in all its diversity”. While CIHR’s concept development for inclusive research excellence is an iterative process, CIHR-IMHA aims to provide input by soliciting examples of research excellence from its own community which will be used as one input to guide this important work.” There were 5 different domains of CIHR-IMHA Inclusive Research Excellence prizes: Research Impact, Team Science, Open Science, Patient Engagement, and Indigenous Health Research. My projects were in the Patient Engagement Competition.

Project 1: “Building a platform for meaningful patient partnership to define research priorities and support knowledge translation of best practices in rehabilitation for solid organ transplantation.” This is the work that my colleague Sunita Mathur (Queen’s University) and I have been doing with the CAN-RESTORE network for the last 10 years. Several projects/activities within the CAN-RESTORE network have included individuals with end-stage lung disease and lung transplant recipients.

Project 2: “Co-development of the Keep Active Club for kidney transplant recipients: a patient-researcher partnership.” This project was a collaboration between the Transplant Programs of the MUHC (Dr. Marcelo Cantarovich and Dr. Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze) and CHUM (Dr. Marie-Chantal Fortin).

Program Chair Elect
Dr. Janaudis-Ferreira was selected as the “Program Chair Elect” for the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Assembly of the American Thoracic Society.

Partnership opportunity with SPOR Network Can SOLVE CKD
A recent grant for Dr. Tania Janaudis-Ferreira from the Kidney Foundation of Canada, entitled “Virtual home-based physical pre-habilitation in kidney transplant candidates: a pilot multicentric RCT,” has been qualified for a partnership opportunity with focus on Patient Oriented Research with the SPOR network Can SOLVE CKD.