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Health Matters: What You Need to Know Before Cold and Flu Season

Health Matters podcast MUHC foundation Dream Big Posts

This week on Health Matters, Dr. Bruce Mazer explains what you need to know before cold and flu season starts. Mitchell Rosenberg shares the impact of the Raymond James Charity softball tournament – which sees the Montreal Chest Institute Lobes go up against the Raymond James Bulls to raise funds for the Montreal Chest Institute.

(Time on podcast: 21:47). Dr. Bruce Mazer has been on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. While history repeats itself (influenza and other SARS pandemics), we still have a lot to learn from this pandemic. We have to reflect on our experiences from this COVID-19 pandemic, we have to remember to trust science and take medical information seriously to better communicate and trust the data. The evolution of the pandemic from a researcher’s perspective – Canada did much better than the public may actually believe. The COVID-19 Immunity taskforce showed that <10% of the Canadian population was infected with COVID-19 before December of 2021. This completely changed with the onset of Omricon, where by the summer of 2022, over 50% of the population was infected. Now, what is most interesting, fewer people succumbed to COVID-19 infection with the onset of Omricon. This is likely due to a combination of vaccines and better healthcare. The vaccine allows our bodies to make a ton of antibodies against the virus. With the onset of the Fall 2022 flu season, we have to remember that there are other viruses circulating at the same time – so we have to continue to protect ourselves, and consider taking the flu shot and COVID-19 boosters. If we learn from what is happening in Australia, they faced their worst flu season in years. We have to learn from this and continue to protect ourselves. If you are sick, stay home. If your child is sick, keep them home to prevent the spread of viruses in schools.

(Time on podcase: 31:45). Mitchell Rosenberg shares the impact of the Raymond James Charity softball tournament. This annual charity softball game sees the Montreal Chest Institute Lobes go up against the Raymond James Bulls. All proceeds go towards the Montreal Chest Institute and the Breathe Easier fundraising campaign. This charity, over the years, has raised funds for a number of causes. This year, they are raising money for a home monitoring project being led by the Montreal Chest Institute.

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A new way to measure heart disease risk. The MUHC Foundation’s Health Matters. September 11, 2022.

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