The Meakins-Christie Laboratories staff would like to extend their congratulations to the following recipients on their CIHR and FRQS 2021-2022 awards:
Motahareh Vameghestahbanati (PhD with Benjamin Smith). Received the 2020-2021 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship. Title: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Dysanapsis. Motahareh was also successful in obtaining an FRQS doctoral research award, which was declined upon receipt of the Vanier.
Noelia Dessire Azalde Garcia (MSc with Elizabeth Fixman). Formation de maîtrise FRQS. Title: Rôle des cellules T Natural Killer invariantes (iNKT) dans la réponse immunitaire innée pulmonaire induite par Alternaria dans un modèle murin.
Eszter Farkas (MSc with Dao Nguyen). Master’s Award: Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships. Title: Discovery of potential new antibiotics in Canadian High Arctic bacteria.
Alex Jenkins (PDF with Dennis Jensen). Formation postdoctoral – Citoyens d’autres pays FRQS. Title: Assessment of fat free mass index on clinical outcomes in a population-based cohort of adults with or without COPD.
Inès Levade (PDF with Dao Nguyen). Formation postdoctorale – CITOYENS D’AUTRES PAYS FRQS. Title: Identification de variants génétiques de Pseudomonas aeruginosa impliqués dans la progression de la maladie pulmonaire chez les patients atteints de fibrose kystique.
Emily Wilson (MSc with Carolyn Baglole). Master’s Award: Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships. Title: Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Activation by Cannabinoids Protects Against Lung Inflammation.
Rui Sun (PhD with James Martin). Formation de doctorat FRQS. Les cellules CD4+ se localisent dans les muscles lisses des voies aériennes et sont associées au remodelage bronchique dans l’asthme.
Paola Andrea Rojas Gutierrez (PDF with Larry Lands). Formation postdoctorale – CITOYENS D’AUTRES PAYS FRQS. Title: Développement de liposomes à pH réversible en aérosol pour l’administration d’acides nucléiques et de petites molécules pour le traitement des maladies pulmonaires.
Yusing Gu (MSc with Marta Kaminska). Master’s Award: Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships. Title: Effect of obstructive sleep apnea on sleep depth and architecture in Parkinson’s disease. Gu Yusing was also offered the FRQS Master’s Training Scholarship (declined – Effet de l’apnée du sommeil sur la profondeur et l’architecture du sommeil dans la maladie de Parkinson).
Saad Razzaq (MSc with Dennis Jensen). Master’s Award: Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships. Title: Components of the COPD Assessment Test Associated with Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test Outcomes in the Canadian Cohort Obstructive Lung Disease (CanCOLD) Study.