Dr. Arnold Kristof was recently interviewed by La Presse and CTV News about a recent experience working in the Intensive Care Unit at the Royal Victoria Hospital. He shares how the pediatric and adult hospitals came together to save a pregnant woman diagnosed with a severe form of COVID-19, and to deliver her child.
25 Seconds to Save Bella is a piece about a woman in intensive care who experienced severe symptoms of COVID-19 while pregnant. She was having a lot of difficulty breathing. The baby was pressing on her diaphragm, adding to her breathing difficulties. With the adult and pediatric hospitals working together, Dr. Kristof and the team succeeded in saving the mom and successfully delivered her daughter as well. No other hospital has succeeded at what this team of dedicated medical professionals at the MUHC accomplished.
Teamwork and trust in the other members of the team are also essential elements for success.
During the pandemic, Dr. Kristof has continued his research program at the Meakins while working in the MUHC Intensive Care Unit.
Read the articles here:
- Une opération délicate au CUSM a permis de sauver in extremis une mère enceinte atteinte de la COVID-19 et son bébé. Caroline Touzin, La Presse, April 25, 2021. Photo credit: Marco Campanozzi, La Presse
- ‘Please breathe’: Montreal medical specialists use ‘extraordinary’ measures to save a pregnant woman with COVID-19 and her baby. CTV News, May 21, 2021.