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Potential Hazards of Vaping Products

Dr. Jean Bourbeau was interviewed by Radio-Canada TV show "24/60" about the dangers of vaping.

Dr. Jean Bourbeau was interviewed by Radio-Canada TV show “24/60” about the dangers of vaping.

Health Canada issued warnings about the potential hazards of vaping products. Watch the interview with Dr. Jean Bourbeau for the Radio-Canada show “24/60” on this very topic. Note, his interview begins at around 36 minutes.

This video is available in French only. 

Les dangers du vapotage

Santé Canada a émis aujourd’hui des mises en garde quant aux dangers potentiels des produits de vapotage. Des centaines de personnes ont été hospitalisées aux États-Unis et au moins un décès est attribuable à la cigarette électronique. Devrait-on s’inquiéter?

Dr. Jean Bourbeau is a RESP Program member and an Associate Member of the Meakins-Christie Laboratories. His research focuses primarily on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and secondarily on disease management, self-management, pulmonary rehabilitation and cardiorespiratory exercise physiology.