- We would like to welcome Salman Qureshi as a new member of the Meakins-Christie Labs (Dec-09)
- David Eidelman has been reappointed as McGill Chair of Medicine for a 2nd 5-year term (Dec-09)
- Jim Martin was invited to give the Distinguihed Lecture in Respiratory Sciences at the 2009 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress (Nov-09)
- Saba Al Heialy and David Préfontaine won prizes for the best presentations by PhD students at the APQ meeting (Nov-09)
- Genevieve Bates is the new president of SPiRE. Please contact her if you would like to help (Oct-09)
- Bill Powell received a Proof-of-Principle grant from the CIHR (Jul-09)
- Christina Haston was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure (Jun-09)
- Simon Rousseau for received a 5-year NSERC Discovery Grant (May-09)
- The following Meakins researchers were successful in the latest FRSQ competition (May-09):
Christina Haston: Senior Chercheur-Boursier
Genevieve Bates: MSc studentship (AM Lauzon)
Jill Fielhaber: PhD studentship (A Kristof)
Lucie Roussel Vavasseur: Postdoc (S Rousseau)